*** AGENDA ***
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**

1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.

2. Delegation: Shore Road Allowance Proposal, Paul Goodridge.

3. Staff Reports.

4. Committee Reports.

5. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held June 21, 2022.

6. Resolution: Approve the 2022-2023 Municipal Insurance Renewal.

7. By-Law: Procedural By-Law updates.

8. Correspondence.

9. Accounts to pay.

10. Closed Session: personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employee.

11. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.

12. Adjournment.

Council meetings will be held in person at 2381 Highway 654, Township of Nipissing Community Centre and virtually utilizing the Zoom platform; and will be livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube channel.