Tuesday, February 19, 2019

A regular meeting of the Township of Nipissing Council was held on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

Present: Mayor Tom Piper, Councillors Linda Andersen, Liz Moore and James Scott.
Regrets: Councillor Tom Marchant
Staff and visitors present: Oscar Poloni, Rose Haufe, John-Paul Negrinotti, Kris Croskery-Hodgins and Charles Barton.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Disclosure of pecuniary interest: None.

Staff Reports:
Dave Yemm, Operations Superintendent –written report.
John-Paul Negrinotti, EDO-CEMC-Planning Assistant – verbal report.
Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Treasurer-Deputy Clerk – verbal report.
Charles Barton, CAO-Clerk – verbal report.

Committee Reports:
Liz Moore – Powassan District Union Public Library Board
Tom Piper – Powassan Area Family Health Team meeting

R2019-30 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That the minutes of the meeting held February 5, 2019 be adopted as published. Carried.

R2019-31 L. Andersen, L. Moore: That the minutes of the closed session meeting held February 5, 2019 be adopted. Carried.

The 2018 Audited Financial Statements were presented by Oscar Poloni, KPMG.

R2019-32 L. Moore, L. Andersen: That we adopt the 2018 Audited Financial Statements as presented. Carried.

R2019-33 J. Scott, L. Moore: That Council supports the appointment of Linda Alkins, Municipality of Callander, to represent Area 6 on the District of Parry Sound DSSAB for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022; And that Resolution R2018-210 is hereby rescinded. Carried.

Rose Haufe discussed the request from the Commanda Museum regarding additional funding in 2019 for structural engineering costs.

R2019-34 L. Moore, J. Scott: That we donate $2,000 to the Commanda Museum towards 2019 operating costs. Carried.

R2019-35 L. Moore, L. Andersen: That we accept the quote for a Road Department Vehicle from Mohawk Ford, in the amount of $50,625.13, including taxes. Carried.

Minutes – February 19, 2019 – Page 2

R2019-36 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That we recommend consent application No. B/10/NIPISSING/2019, Creation of a Lot, applicant Ryan and Debbie Gough, for approval, subject to the following conditions:
1. The lot must comply with the Township of Nipissing’s Official Plan policies.
2. A Zoning By-law amendment will be required to recognize any Environmental Protection areas identified in the Ecological Site Assessment dated June, 2018.
3. A copy of the decision of the North Almaguin Planning Board be forwarded to the Township of Nipissing. Carried.

R2019-37 J. Scott, L. Moore: That we pass By-Law Number 2019-08, being a By-law to establish rules governing the proceedings of Council, the calling of meetings and the conduct of Members.
Read a first and second time this 19th day of February, 2019. Read a third time and passed this 19th day of February, 2019. Carried.

R2019-38 L. Moore, L. Andersen: That we pass By-Law Number 2019-09, being a By-law to prescribe the form and manner for the provision of public notice under the Municipal Act, 2001.
Read a first and second time this 19th day of February, 2019. Read a third time and passed this 19th day of February, 2019. Carried.

R2019-39 L. Andersen, J. Scott: That we accept the correspondence as presented. Carried.

R2019-40 L. Moore, J. Scott: That the statement of accounts dated February 7 and 19, 2019; totaling $41,700.66 be approved. Carried.

R2019-41 L. Andersen, L. Moore: That we donate $100 to the Powassan Agricultural Society 2019 Fall Fair. Carried.

R2019-42 L. Moore, J. Scott: That we provide a letter of support to the Municipality of Powassan for the development and building of a Long Term Care Facility within Trout Creek. Carried.

R2019-43 L. Moore, J. Scott: That we pass By-Law No. 2019-10, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on February 19, 2019. Read the first, second and third time and passed this 19th day of February, 2019. Carried.

R2019-44 L. Andersen, J. Scott: That the meeting be adjourned. Time: 8:51 p.m. Next regular meeting March 5, 2019. Carried.


Minutes prepared as per Section 228 (1)(a) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council.
Minutes to be approved by Council at the next regular Council Meeting.