Tuesday, August 17, 2021
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**
Agenda Amended August 16, 2021
1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.
2. Presentation: 2020 Landfill Reports by AECOM.
3. Staff Reports.
4. Committee Reports.
5. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held July 13, 2021.
6. Resolution: Adopt the Closed Session minutes of the meetings held July 13 and August 3, 2021.
7. Resolution: Award Recycling Services RFP.
8. Resolution: Award an RFP for a Tandem Truck and Snow Plow.
9. Resolution: Appoint a member to the Recreation Committee.
10. Resolution: Provide a letter of support for a grant application for Child Youth Advocacy Centre.
11. Resolution: Authorize the extension of the Nipissing Museum operating schedule.
12. Resolution: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Phase Two, Canada Community Recovery Fund application for Heritage Park upgrades.
13. By-Law: Regulating Animals and Impounding Animals at Large, other than Dogs.
14. By-Law: Creation and Operation of a Recreation Committee.
15. By-Law: Creation and Operation of a Cemetery Committee.
16. 2021 Budget Update.
17. Fall Newsletter Draft Review.
18. Correspondence.
19. Accounts to pay.
20. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.
21. Adjournment.
Attachments: July 13, 2021 meeting minutes.
**In response to COVID-19 safety protocols currently in place, Council meetings will be held at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, 2381 Highway 654 and will be livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube channel.