Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Amended June 18, 2021
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**

1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.

2. Delegation Presentation: Ontario Waterpower Association.

3. Staff Reports.

4. Committee Reports.

5. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held June 8, 2021.

6. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the closed session meeting held June 8, 2021.

7. Resolution: Appoint Council member and Member at Large to the Nipissing Township Museum Board.

8. Resolution: Appoint members to the Recreation Committee.

9. Resolution: Authorize the circulation of a Tender for a new Tandem Truck.

10. Resolution: Award Tender RFP-2021-Ventilation Systems.

11. Resolution: Support for Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

12. Resolution: Authorize the purchase of an underground tank for Fire Department water storage.

13. Resolution: Approve the 2021/2022 Municipal Insurance package.

14. By-Law: To Deem part of Registered Plan M464 not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision.

15. By-Law: Appoint an Emergency Information Officer.

16. Correspondence.

17. Accounts to pay.

18. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.

19. Adjournment.

Attachments: June 8, 2021 meeting minutes.

**In response to COVID-19 safety protocols currently in place, Council meetings will be held at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, 2381 Highway 654 and will be livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube channel.