*** AGENDA ***
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**
1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.
2. Presentation: Antoine Boucher, P Eng. Regarding the proposed Hummel Bridge repairs.
3. Presentation: 2020 Financial Statements, Oscar Poloni, KPMG.
4. Staff Reports.
5. Committee Reports.
6. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held February 16, 2021.
7. Resolution: Adopt the Special Meeting minutes of the meeting held February 17, 2021.
8. Resolution: Adopt the Closed Session minutes of the meetings held December 15, 2020 and February 17, 2021.
9. Resolution: Adoption of the 2020 Financial Statements as presented.
10. Resolution: Approval in Principle Shore Road Purchase Application – Maynard.
11. Resolution: Authorize the hiring of an Office Assistant – Temporary (6 months) Contract.
12. Resolution: Provide a Letter of Support to improve Bell connectivity to the Universal Broadband Fund.
13. Correspondence.
14. Accounts to pay.
15. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.
16. Adjournment.
Attachments: February 16, 2021 meeting minutes; February 17, 2021 Special meeting minutes.
**In response to the Provincially declared Health Emergency, COVID-19, this Council meeting will take place electronically using the Zoom platform for some participants.
The meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube on the Township of Nipissing channel.