Tuesday, February 2, 2021
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**
1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.
2. Staff Reports.
3. Committee Reports.
4. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held January 19, 2021.
5. By-Law: Enter into an Agreement for the Powassan and District Union Library.
6. Resolution: Support for the 2021 Census of Population.
7. Resolution: Adopt the 5 Year Capital Forecast.
8. Resolution: Authorize Issuing a Request for Tender for an Excavator.
9. Reorganization Special Meeting Discussion.
10. Correspondence.
11. Accounts to pay.
12. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.
13. Adjournment.
Attachments: January 19, 2021 meeting minutes.
**In response to the Provincially declared Health Emergency, COVID-19, this Council meeting will take place electronically using the Zoom platform.
The meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube on the Township of Nipissing channel.