*** AGENDA ***
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
**START TIME 6:30 p.m.**
Meeting will take place at the
Township of Nipissing Community Centre
2381 Highway 654

1. Disclosure of pecuniary interest.

2. Presentation: Aecom Landfill Presentation for Cell Sequencing and Fill Plans.

3. Staff Reports.

4. Committee Reports.

5. Resolution: Adopt the minutes of the meeting held June 2, 2020.

6. Resolution: Approve Landfill Compacting Cost Estimates for 2020.

7. Resolution: Amend a Position Description for a Labourer – Landfill Site Attendant from Casual to Full-Time.

8. Resolution: Authorize the CAO-Clerk to Hire a full-time Labourer-Landfill Site Attendant.

9. Resolution: Accept the 2020/2021 Insurance Renewal.

10. Resolution: Authorize Local LCBO Outlets to Operate on Statutory Holidays.

11. By-Law: Establish and Regulate Landfill Operations.

12. By-Law: Adopt a Position Description for the Treasurer-Deputy Clerk.

13. By-Law: Adopt a Tree Canopy Policy.

14. Resolution: Approve the Summer 2020 Newsletter for circulation.

15. Correspondence.

16. Accounts to pay.

17. By-Law: Confirming Proceedings of Council.

18. Adjournment.

Attachments: June 2, 2020 meeting minutes.

**In response to the Provincially declared Health Emergency, COVID-19, this Council meeting will take place in the Township of Nipissing Community Centre to allow for the appropriate physical distancing required for the safety of all present.

This meeting will be streamed on the Township of Nipissing YouTube channel.