Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A regular meeting of the Township of Nipissing Council was held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
The meeting was held in person at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, and livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube Channel.

Present: Mayor Tom Piper and Councillors Tom Marchant, Liz Moore and James Scott.
Staff: Fire Chief Will Bateman, Administrative Assistant-Deputy Clerk Kristin Linklater, Land Planning & Technology Administrator – Deputy Treasurer John-Paul Negrinotti and Municipal Administrator Kris Croskery-Hodgins.
Regrets: Councillor Steve Kirkey
Guests: Paul Goodridge, Roy Sommerville and Andrew Sommerville.

Disclosure of pecuniary interest: None.

Staff Reports:
John-Paul Negrinotti, Land Planning and Technology Administrator – Deputy Treasurer – written report.
Dan MacInnis, Operations Superintendent – written report April 2 and May 10.
Will Bateman, Fire Chief-MLEO-CEMC – verbal report.

Committee Reports:
Liz Moore: Nipissing Township Museum Board, FONOM Conference
Tom Marchant: Source Water Protection Committee
James Scott: Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
Tom Piper: Sturgeon Nipissing French River Water System Advisory Board, Eastholme Home for the Aged Board of Management.

R2022-101 L. Moore, J. Scott: That the minutes of the Council Meeting held April 26, 2022 be adopted as published. Carried.

This part of our meeting is declared a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 (12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, to discuss an application for a change to Zoning By-Law 2020-20 by the Township of Nipissing.

R2022-102 J. Scott, L. Moore: That we pass By-Law Number 2022-26, being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-Law 2020-20, as amended.
Read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of May, 2022. Carried.

R2022-103 T. Marchant, J. Scott: That we pass By-Law Number 2022-27, being a By-Law to enter into an agreement for Next Generation 9-1-1 Service.
Read a first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of May, 2022. Carried.

R2022-104 L. Moore, J. Scott: That we donate $100 to the Almaguin Highlands Secondary School Graduation Awards Program. Carried.

Minutes – May 10, 2022 – Page 2

R2022-105 T. Marchant, L. Moore: WHEREAS Spectrum Telecom Group Ltd. (Spectrum Group) wishes to erect a 96-foot (29.3 metre) telecommunications antenna support tower structure on municipal lands located at 3878 Highway 522, in the Township of Nipissing, District of Parry Sound for the delivery of radio communication services to the Township of Nipissing Fire Department and Public Works Department;
AND WHEREAS Spectrum Group is required by Industry Canada to consult with the local land-use authority and to obtain a statement of concurrence from the Municipality;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Nipissing hereby gives approval to the Municipal Administrator to issue a statement of concurrence to Spectrum Group for the proposed telecommunications tower on municipal lands located at 3878 Highway 522, in the Township of Nipissing, for the delivery of radio communication services to the Township of Nipissing Fire Department and Public Works Department. Carried.

R2022-106 J. Scott, L. Moore: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-1 for the supply, crush, deliver and stockpile of:
Approximately 2,500 Tonnes of 7/8” crushed quarry granite with an excavator; AND
Approximately 1,000 Tonnes of Quarry B with an excavator; to:
Evan Hughes Excavating
Total Tender Price 7/8” crushed granite: $42,940.00
Total Tender Price Quarry B: $17,176.00, including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-107 T. Marchant, J. Scott: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-2 for the supply, delivery and stockpile with a conveyor in the dome, approximately 3,000 tonnes of screened sand to:
A. Miron Topsoil Litd. Total Tender Price: $42,307.20, including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-108 J. Scott, L. Moore: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-3 for the crushing of approximately 6,000 Tonnes of Quarried B Granite to be picked up by Municipality to:
Evan Hughes Excavating Ltd. Total Tender Price: $81,360.00 including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-109 J. Scott, L. Moore: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-4 for the crushing of approximately 3,000 Tonnes of 7/8” Crushed Quarry Granite to be picked up by Municipality to:
Evan Hughes Excavating Ltd. Total Tender Price: $40,680.00 including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-110 T. Marchant, L. Moore: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-5 for the supply, crush and apply approximately 3,500 Tonnes of 7/8” Crushed Quarry Granite to:
Evan Hughes Excavating Ltd. Total Tender Price: $69,014.75 including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-111 T. Marchant, J. Scott: THAT we cancel Tender NIP-PW-2022-6 for the supply, crush and apply approximately 11,700 Tonnes of 7/8” Crushed Quarry Granite to various roads as it does not fall within the approved 2022 Budget amounts;
AND that we will include this project in the 2023 Construction schedule and budgeting process. Carried.

R2022-112 L. Moore, J. Scott: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-7 for provision of Road Side Grass Cutting to: Derrick Johnstone Construction. Total Tender Price: $8,983.50 including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-113 T. Marchant, J. Scott: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-9 for provision of Engineering Services for O.S.I.M. Roadway Bridge Inspections to: HP Engineering. Total tender price $4,407.00 including applicable taxes. Carried.
Minutes – May 10, 2022 – Page 3

R2022-114 T. Marchant, L. Moore: THAT we award Tender NIP-PW-2022-10 for Surface Treatment to: Duncor Enterprises Inc. Total Tender Price: $99,211.31 including applicable taxes. Carried.

R2022-115 J. Scott, L. Moore: WHEREAS the owner of Part Lot 5, Concession 11, has offered to convey part of Hazel Glen Road which crosses the property, to the Township of Nipissing for road purposes;
AND WHEREAS the Township of Nipissing Official Plan policy is to acquire title to roads that have historically been used and maintained as public roads in the Township but have not been dedicated as public highways;
NOW THEREFORE the Township is willing to accept the portion of Hazel Glen Road to the Municipality for road purposes, as shown as Part 4 on Plan 42R-6589. Carried.

R2022-116 J. Scott, L. Moore: That we accept the correspondence as presented. Carried.

R2022-117 J. Scott, T. Marchant: That the statement of accounts dated April 27 and May 5 and 10, 2022; totaling $161,320.44 be approved. Carried.

R2022-118 T. Marchant, L. Moore: That we pass By-Law No. 2022-28, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on May 10, 2022.
Read the first, second and third time and passed this 10th day of May, 2022. Carried.

R2022-119 L. Moore, J. Scott: That the meeting be adjourned. Time: 7:37 p.m. Next regular meeting to be held May 24, 2022. Carried.


Municipal Administrator:

Minutes prepared as per Section 228 (1)(a) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council.
Minutes to be approved by Council at the next regular Council Meeting.