Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A regular meeting of the Township of Nipissing Council was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
In response to the Provincial regulations in response to COVID-19, the meeting was held at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, 2381 Hwy 654 and livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube Channel.

Present: Mayor Tom Piper and Councillors Steve Kirkey, Tom Marchant, Liz Moore and James Scott.
Present: Fire Chief Will Bateman, Office Assistant Kristin Linklater, Operations Superintendent Dan MacInnis, Acting Deputy Clerk and Land Planning & Technology Administrator John-Paul Negrinotti and Interim CAO-Clerk-Treasurer Kris Croskery-Hodgins.
Via Zoom: Peggy Young-Lovelace, E4M and Elaine Gunnell.

Disclosure of pecuniary interest: None.

Staff Reports:
John-Paul Negrinotti, Acting Deputy Clerk; Land Planning & Technology Administrator – written report.
Dan MacInnis, Operations Superintendent – written report.
Will Bateman, Fire Chief – verbal report.

Committee Reports:
Liz Moore – Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
James Scott – Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
Tom Piper – Eastholme, Home for the Aged Board of Management

R2021-162 L. Moore, S. Kirkey: That the minutes of the meeting held June 22, 2021 be adopted as published. Carried.

Item number 5 on the Agenda, Award Recycling Services RFP was deferred to the August 17, 2021 Council meeting pending price clarification on bidding.

R2021-163 L. Moore, T. Marchant: WHEREAS the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15, 143 provides that each municipality shall prepare and adopt a community safety and well-being plan, and that the preparation of a plan may be done in consultation with other municipalities;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Nipissing hereby adopts a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan – Regional Report, created jointly with the Municipalities of Callander and Powassan and the Township of Chisholm, as presented. Carried.

R2021-164 T. Marchant, S. Kirkey: BE IT RESOLVED:
1. That this Council does approve “in principle” the Application of Jamie and Karen Grasser to purchase the Shore Road Allowance located in front of Pt Broken Lots 11 and 12, Con 16, Plan M467 Pt Blks B and C, Pt Douglas Dr. Closed, RP 42R19757 Parts 5 to 8, 19, 21 and 22, Township of Nipissing.
2. That this Resolution replaces Resolution R2017-047, original applicants Ronald and Irmgard Hincks.

Minutes – July 13, 2021 – Page 2

3. That this resolution is subject to the following conditions:
• The Council shall select an independent search firm specializing in fishery issues and environmental issues to complete an independent investigation and report to determine the geographic limits where development could occur and to ensure compliance to the Provincial Policy Statement.
• That the applicant will be responsible for the payment of all the Municipality’s administrative, legal accounts and Environmental Impact Study costs in connection with the processing of this application.
• That in accordance with the Municipality’s policy, notice and a copy of the draft plan will be mailed to the adjacent owners. Carried.

R2021-165 J. Scott, L. Moore: That this part of our meeting will be closed to the public as authorized by Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, c. 25, for consideration of the following subject matter:
b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;
Time: 7:06 p.m. Carried.

Staff Members Dan MacInnis, Will Bateman, Kristin Linklater, John-Paul Negrinotti and Kris Croskery-Hodgins left the meeting.

Elaine Gunnell assumed the Clerk position for the closed session meeting.

R2021-166 S. Kirkey, J. Scott: That we resume to an open public meeting. Time: 8:18 p.m. Carried.
Peggy Young-Lovelace and Elaine Gunnell left the meeting.

Staff Members Will Bateman, Kristin Linklater and Kris Croskery-Hodgins returned to the meeting.

Item number 9 on the Agenda, By-Law Regulating Animals and Impounding Animals at Large, other than Dogs, was deferred to the August 17, 2021 Council meeting pending a wording change on animal description.

R2021-167 T. Marchant, L. Moore: That we accept the correspondence as presented. Carried.

R2021-168 S. Kirkey, J. Scott: That the statement of accounts dated June 24 and July 5 and 6, 2021; totaling $275,479.31 be approved. Carried.

R2021-169 T. Marchant, L. Moore: That we pass By-Law No. 2021-37, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on July 13, 2021.
Read the first, second and third time and passed this 13th day of July, 2021. Carried.

R2021-170 S. Kirkey, J. Scott: That the meeting be adjourned. Time: 8:48 p.m. Next regular meeting to be held August 17, 2021. Carried.

Interim CAO-Clerk-Treasurer:

Minutes prepared as per Section 228 (1)(a) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council.
Minutes to be approved by Council at the next regular Council Meeting.