Tuesday, June 18, 2019
A regular meeting of the Township of Nipissing Council was held on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.
Present: Mayor Tom Piper, Councillors Linda Andersen, Tom Marchant, Liz Moore and James Scott.
Staff and visitors present: Rose Haufe, Dave Yemm, John-Paul Negrinotti, Kris Croskery-Hodgins and Charles Barton.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Disclosure of pecuniary interest: Councillor James Scott.
Staff Reports:
John-Paul Negrinotti, EDO-CEMC-Planning Assistant – verbal report.
Dave Yemm, Operations Superintendent – verbal and written report.
Operations Superintendent Yemm left the meeting following his report.
Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Treasurer-Deputy Clerk – verbal report.
Charles Barton, CAO-Clerk – verbal report.
Committee Reports:
Liz Moore – Nipissing Township Museum Board
Tom Marchant – North Almaguin Planning Board
Linda Andersen – District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board
R2019-123 L. Andersen, J. Scott: That the minutes of the meeting held June 4, 2019 be adopted as published. Carried.
R2019-124 L. Moore, T. Marchant: That the minutes of the closed session meeting held June 4, 2019 be adopted. Carried.
R2019-125 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That we award Request for Quote for Pulverizing, RFQ#2 to: Greenwood Paving (Pembroke) Ltd. For a total cost of $ 8,840.00, including applicable taxes. Carried.
R2019-126 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That we accept the Quotation for Landfill Office Trailers from: Port-A-Room Office Trailers for the amount of: $40,160.00, including applicable taxes. Carried.
R2019-127 T. Marchant, L. Moore: That we accept the Quotation for fencing repair at the St. John’s Cemetery from: M-W Fence Contractors for the amount of $5,995.00 plus applicable taxes. Carried.
R2019-128 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That we adopt the 2019-2020 Insurance Renewal received from Cambrian Insurance Brokers Limited on behalf of Frank Cowan Company. Carried.
R2019-129 L. Andersen, J. Scott: That we approve the Summer 2019 Newsletter for circulation, as amended. Carried.
Minutes – June 18, 2019 – Page 2
R2019-130 L. Moore, T. Marchant: That we adopt the Strategic Asset Management Policy. Carried.
R2019-131 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That we recommend consent application No. B/18/NIPISSING/2019, Lot Addition, applicants P.A. Blackburn, OLS, for property owners Michael and Helen Brewes, for approval subject to the following conditions:
1. The lot must comply with the Township of Nipissing’s Official Plan policies.
2. Any public roads located on the owner’s property shall be transferred to the Municipality. Official Plan section and
3. A copy of the decision of the North Almaguin Planning Board be forwarded to the Township of Nipissing. Carried.
Item 13 on the Agenda, Consent Application B/20/NIPISSING/2019 – Wall, was deferred pending further information.
R2019-132 T. Marchant, L. Moore: That we accept the correspondence as presented. Carried.
Councillor James Scott declared a pecuniary interest as his wife is listed in the accounts payable.
R2019-133 T. Marchant, L. Andersen: That the statement of accounts dated June 13 and 18, 2019; totaling $169,645.37 be approved. Carried.
R2019-134 L. Moore, T. Marchant: That we pass By-Law No. 2019-25, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on June 18, 2019.
Read the first, second and third time and passed this 18th day of June, 2019. Carried.
R2019-135 J. Scott, L. Andersen: That the meeting be adjourned. Time: 8:34 p.m. Next regular meeting July 9, 2019. Carried.
Minutes prepared as per Section 228 (1)(a) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council.
Minutes to be approved by Council at the next regular Council Meeting.