Tuesday, September 7, 2021
A regular meeting of the Township of Nipissing Council was held on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.
In response to the Provincial regulations in response to COVID-19, the meeting was held at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, 2381 Hwy 654 and livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube Channel.
Present: Mayor Tom Piper and Councillors Steve Kirkey, Tom Marchant, Liz Moore and James Scott.
Present: Operations Superintendent Dan MacInnis, Fire Chief Will Bateman, Office Assistant Kristin Linklater, Acting Deputy Clerk and Land Planning & Technology Administrator John-Paul Negrinotti and Municipal Administrator Kris Croskery-Hodgins.
Disclosure of pecuniary interest: None
Staff Reports:
Dan MacInnis, Operations Superintendent – written report.
John-Paul Negrinotti, Acting Deputy Clerk; Land Planning & Technology Administrator – written report.
Will Bateman, Fire Chief – verbal report.
Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Municipal Administrator – verbal report.
Committee Reports:
Liz Moore – Nipissing Township Museum Board
James Scott – Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
Tom Piper – Eastholme, Home for the Aged Board of Management
R2021-191 T. Marchant, S. Kirkey: That the minutes of the meeting held August 17, 2021 and the minutes of the Special meeting held August 3, 2021 be adopted as published. Carried.
R2021-192 L. Moore, J. Scott: THAT we accept the RFP-NIP-Tandem 2021-01 proposal submitted by Currie Truck Centre for a total amount of $324,773.30, including applicable taxes;
And that we also accept the Extended Warranty EW4 at a total cost of $7,015.00 plus applicable taxes. Carried.
R2021-193 S. Kirkey, J. Scott: THAT we approve the Fall Newsletter for circulation, as presented. Carried.
Item #7 was deferred pending a final Resolution of Council from the City of Vaughan on the request to raise the legal age for a licensed driver from 16 to 18.
R2021-194 T. Marchant, J. Scott: THAT Council of the Township of Nipissing support correspondence from the Town of Cochrane regarding a motion to include the PSA Test for Men in the national health care system and that it be made available for all Canadian men at no charge. Carried.
Item #9 was tabled as Bill 228 prohibiting unencapsulated expanded or extruded polystyrene in floating docks, floating platforms and buoys received Royal Assent May 20, 2021.
Minutes – September 7, 2021 – Page 2
Council reviewed a Draft Parking By-Law Update for the Township of Nipissing including updated mapping, proposed day and long-term parking areas and a proposed Community Safety Zone. A complete draft is expected for Public Input and Council Approval in October 2021.
Council reviewed a Memo received from the municipal planners Patrick Townes, BA, Bed and Jamie Robinson, BES, MCIP, RPP from MHBC regarding options for the Zoning By-Law and Trailer By-Law. Council will review the options and continue the discussion at a future Council meeting.
R2021-195 L. Moore, T. Marchant: That we accept the correspondence as presented. Carried.
R2021-196 S. Kirkey, J. Scott: That the statement of accounts dated August 19 and September 1 and 2, 2021; totaling $513,921.30 be approved. Carried.
R2021-197 L. Moore, J. Scott: That we pass By-Law No. 2021-41, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on September 7, 2021.
Read the first, second and third time and passed this 7th day of September, 2021. Carried.
R2021-198 T. Marchant, S. Kirkey: That the meeting be adjourned. Time: 7:41 p.m. Next regular meeting to be held September 21, 2021. Carried.
Municipal Administrator:
Minutes prepared as per Section 228 (1)(a) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25.
Clerk to record, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the council.
Minutes to be approved by Council at the next regular Council Meeting.