Municipal Administration Staff

Kris Croskery- Hodgins: Municipal Administrator-Clerk-Treasurer

John-Paul Negrinotti: Land Planning & Technology Administrator

Kim Turnbull: Deputy Treasurer – Office Assistant

Kristin Linklater: Deputy Clerk – Administrative Assistant

Telephone: 705-724-2144
Fax: 705-724-5385

Public Works Department

Dan MacInnis – Operations Superintendent
T: 705-724-2144

Jeff Conrad
Doug Cox
Jeff Culham
Steffen Moffatt-Roberts
David Linklater


Dean Roberts
Gillian Bernas

Fire Department

Fire Chief – Municipal Law Enforcement Officer – CEMC
Will Bateman
T: 705-752-2772 Office
By-Law related Inquiries may be directed to the above.

Chief Building Official:

Cameron Karpenko
T: 705-724-2144 Office

Animal Control Officer:

Sandy Briggs
T: 705-724-2676

Administration By-Laws

Request for Information and Records – Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Request (FOI) is a legal process under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).  This process allows for all requests to be treated fairly and objectively.  MFIPPA  sets out that information should be made available to the public, and that certain types of records such as personal privacy of others, lawyer-client privilege etc. must be protected.  The majority of records at a municipality are considered to be public records and accessible at all times without making an FOI request.

All request for information under the Act must be made in writing to the Clerk on the Request for Information and Records Form and a $5.00 application fee is required for all requests. Additional Fees may apply as prescribed by legislation.

Request for information and Records Form

Fee Description Fee
Request $ 5.00
Search Time (per 15 minutes) $ 7.50
Preparation of Records for Disclosure (per 15 minutes) $ 7.50
Photocopies or computer print outs (per page) $ 0.20

Township of Nipissing Communications Strategy policy document, as identified in the Strategic Plan 2023-2026 Effective and Efficient Municipal Services objective of Communications with residents and visitors in the Township.

Communications Strategy