Nipissing Township Museum
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 4, 2022
7pm, Nipissing Township Community Centre
Present: Chris Johnson, Steve Kirkey, Liz Moore, Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Gillian Bernas.
Regrets: Brenda Lennon, Mary Heasman, Gladys Bateman.
1. Call to Order – Chris Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:05pm, seconded by Steve Kirkey.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest – there were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
3. Acceptance of Agenda – the agenda was accepted as presented by Chris Johnston and seconded by Steve Kirkey.
4. Acceptance of Previous Minutes – the minutes of the April 6, 2022 meeting were accepted as presented by Chris Johnston and seconded by Steve Kirkey.
5. Standing Agenda Items
5.1. Finance:
5.1.1. Budget: the approved budget can’t be changed ( estimated candy sales should have been 10 000 not 5 000).
5.1.2. Reviewed Structural/Other budget as related to the documents emailed to board prior to meeting: this is meant to cover the costs for Harland’s Hut Roof repairs (materials have already been ordered), new fixtures for the hardware store if necessary (Gillian will check to see if the lights stored in the Church alter still work and we will use those if they do), running electricity from the Church to the Gazebo (for events and rentals), and security cameras and monitor which are to be installed.
5.1.3. Museum’s new Laptop: $600 was budgeted and spent, but did not include the Microsoft Office Suite, which will cost an additional $319 for Microsoft Office Home & Business 2021, which includes Word, Excel, Outlook, but not Access (used for the artifact catalogue). Kris was able to export the data from the museum’s artifact catalogue into Excel. IF the computer experts can transfer the Microsoft office suite from the old laptop, the museum will not need to purchase a new licence.
5.2. Manager’s Report
5.2.1. Electrical Panels – the items blocking access have been moved, and the space now meets the legal requirements.
5.2.2. A list of supplies needed for retail store has been passed to the office and they will purchase them for the museum.
5.2.3. Details were needed to complete the Health Unit Applications for the Season opening and for the Season Opening Celebration on Saturday. Museum is officially open Friday May 20 For Saturday Event, volunteers will bake cupcakes in their homes and donate them to the museum. Gillian will record names and contact information for anyone who donates cupcakes. Liz will purchase, on behalf of the museum, Lemonade for event as well as Frozen yogurt and drinks for sale in Candy store. Cupcakes and lemonade will be served for free while supplies last.
5.2.4. Garden – we have had 2 new volunteers enquire about the garden. Steve Kirkey has offered to rototill the garden again this year, time yet to be determined as cleaning interior of buildings is being given priority. The garlic donated last year by Brenda is growing well! A list of seeds and tools required for the garden has been sent to the township office to purchase.
5.3. Candy Store/Office Foundation Damage
5.3.1. Waiting on date for Structural Engineer to check building and make recommendations. Thus far it is NOT considered a safety hazard for staff, but it may have public occupancy restrictions depending on the engineer’s report. If we are unable to open this building to the public, we will still be able to open the other buildings and sell candy and merchandise from the Church.’
5.3.2. Porch is a floating deck, and not attached, every year the whole porch roof comes up and then down again this is normal. There may be danger is that the post goes up too far and damage the roof or it could float down too low and damage the porch, this depends on the footings below being up to code. Cameron will know whether porch is up to code. We will wait for the structural engineering recommendations for direction.
6. Business Arising
6.1. Candy suppliers – New Candy suppliers have been found, though none to adequately replace the items the museum had been purchasing from sweets galore, and will be reviewed by Liz on Thursday May 5, and the orders sent to the Township office by the end of this week.
6.2. Summer Student Update – the Township office ahs had 6 applicants, all from high school (one in grade 12) so far 4 have responded and have scheduled interviews for Fridy May 13th. Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Liz Moore, and Gillian Bernas will conduct the student interviews. The Museum received the Federal grant for 1 position, no provincial grants available at this time as a result of the coming election.
6.3. Summer Activities
6.3.1. The Recreation Committee would like to collaborate for several events They would like to host a drive in Movie in the Heritage Park on Heritage Day in the evening. The museum will change the even hours so that our activities & BBQ are occurring in the late afternoon/dinnertime. The Cady Store will remain open until the Movies starts. Would also like to collaborate on a car boot sale, date yet to be determined, likely starting at 8:30 in the morning. Museum is interested in participating Details to be determined. Canada Day Celebrations, tentative date is Saturday July 2. The Museum could set up a Candy booth in the park, along with the Candy floss machine. Will Bateman is currently looking into the parts required to operate the machine indoors, but it can be operated outdoors without additional cover. Hours yet to be determined, likely 5 or 6pm until after dusk.
6.3.2. Heritage Day will be on Saturday August 20th Tentative time 4-7:00 pm Gillian will contact blacksmith Bob Bartlett to do demo for heritage day. Gillian will contact Jeff Fournier a local expert (runs Bit of the Bay, North Bay nostalgia and History Facebook Page) on the Dam at McNabb Chutes, to set up an exhibit and share some stories (not a lecture). Will have sundaes available as a special item just for this event (instead of all the time) Will wait to finalize details with Recreation Committee before submitting Health Unit Application for event.
6.3.3. Fall festival & Farmer’s Market, September Saturday September 10th
7. New business – electric review of hardware store determined that contacts in the light fixtures are just worn out and are recommending that we replace them.
7.1. Gillian will check if the light fixtures currently stored in the Church altar will work, if these are approved by the electrician, they will be used instead of purchasing new.
8. Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Nipissing Township Museum Board will be held on Wednesday June 1, 2022, at the Community Centre at 7pm.
9. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned by Steve Kirkey and seconded by Chris Johnston at 7:55pm.