Nipissing Township Museum
Board Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2021
7 p.m., Nipissing Township Museum
COVID Precautions in place
Present: Mary Heaseman, Chris Johnston, Gillian Bernais, Kris Croskery-Hodgins, Liz Moore, Steve Kirkey,
Brenda Lennon
Regrets: Gladys Bateman, Kerry Kloiber
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Liz Moore.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest – There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.
3. Acceptance of Agenda – The agenda was accepted as presented by Chris Johnston and seconded by
Steve Kirkey.
4. Acceptance of Previous Minutes – The minutes of the August 4, 2021 meeting were accepted as
presented by Mary Heaseman and seconded by Steve Kirkey.
5. Standing Agenda Items:
i. Financial
a. Total Revenue: In August, the total revenue was $ $3295.90
b. Heritage Day: The total income was $ 1292.50 which is significantly less than in 2019.
The barbecue sales were on par. Total costs were approximately $70.00.
c. Budget: There is $5,000.00 remaining in the 2021 Budget for merchandise that has not
been used. Gillian will investigate costs for T-shirts and hoodies from different
suppliers so we have stock for next year. The old-fashioned museum logo will be used.
ii. Proposal of Items to be Purchased for Museum – Candy floss machine cover, office supplies,
toolkits, bulbs/flowers/seeds, signage for plantings in garden, garden shears, cable for providing
music in the store. As well an estimate of $500.00 was given to have an electrical outlet
installed in the gazebo.
iii. Visitor Statistics – August: Candy Store – 105, Museum -12, Both -140. Total Visitors – 257 which
includes Heritage Day.
iv. Donations – Jane Russell (Moore family) has made quite a large donation of items from the
Nipissing General Store. Supplies will be needed to curate this new collection. The tie-down
ropes for the tarps for the outdoor exhibits is a donation as well as condiments, yogurt and pop
for Heritage Day. A running list of ‘in kind’ donations for budgeting purposes will be kept.
v. Collections Update – None currently.6. Business Arising:
i. Heritage Day – The day ran smoothly with the blacksmith was a very good draw. The
flow through the buildings was good. Areas to improve for next year: move the
entrance to Beatty St. to lessen congestion, better signage, more volunteers and
seating. As well, use coloured paper for posters.
ii. Museum Closing/Manager’s Hours – It was approved by Council to keep the Museum
open from Tuesday-Friday after Labour day, closed to the public, but the manager
working at 5 days from September 13-17 and then 3 days per week from September 20
until October 8.
iii. Staining/Painting – The staining is complete. It was noted by the painter that the
museum windows are fragile, and monies will need to be placed in reserve to replace.
Brenda will have a heritage carpenter provide an estimate.
iv. Budget/2022 Planning – It was asked if items from local artisans could be brought in to
sell. This item will be put forward to the museum strategic plan so that criteria are
developed for the educational/historical/aligned values of any items sold at the
Museum. No items will be taken on consignment.
v. Staff Update – The employees this year have been excellent workers and are willing to
come back for the 2022 season.
vi. Hot Water Tank – Resolved.
vii. Dig for History Garden – There has been good response on social media, but no
involvement yet. Ideas for developing enthusiasm for this project will need to be
explored to get the involvement needed. Save yogurt containers to be used for seedling
starts next year.
viii. Drive-In Movie Event – On Sept 25th the recreation committee will be hosting a Movie
night. The museum assist and set up for candy floss and a concession table to use up the
candy stock. Volunteers will be needed.
7. New Business:
i. Scavenger Hunt – A Newsletter scavenger hunt will be developed. This will consist of
notification via the Township Newsletter of a list of questions pertaining to the
museum posted on facebook and the website. Participants will answer the questions
and submit them to have their name put in for a draw to win a prize.
ii. Maintenance – The fascia on the Hardware store is coming off, the metal roof is lifting,
screws are coming off, and lights are flickering. A few porch handrails are loose and
the ramp to the Church has boards to be replaced. Gillian will send the list to Kris for
8. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Nipissing Township Museum Board will take place on
Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m. at the Nipissing Township Museum.9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. by Liz Moore. Accepted by Mary Heaseman and
seconded by Chris Johnston