Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
Jan 10, 2022
Start Time 19:00 at the Nipissing Community Center (Zoom) COVID Precautions in place
• Present: James Scott, Liz Moore, Shawn Hughes, Andrew Barry, Shelly Foote
• Regrets: Kathy Shaw, Chris Johnston
• Absent: Kerry Kloiber, Ron Phillips, Steph Duchesne
1. Meeting called to order: 7:05 pm
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
3. Acceptance of Agenda: Andrew Barry Liz Moore
4. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: Liz Moore Shawn Hughes
5. Business Items from previous Meeting:
I. New Sign for Heritage Park Waiting on Grant
II. Feb 21/22 Family Fun Skate Hot Choc, Fireworks & Fun
Liz to donate Hot Chocolate & Cups, Coffee Urns needed from Community Center, No snacks due to COVID & Garbage concerns
Plastic table needed for Hot Choc (small one from the office)
James to donate wood for Bonfire & Shawn to donate fire pit rims x2
Flyer to be created and distributed at schools
Tom & Shelly Foote will work on music for the skate
III. Paint Night Steph was looking into someone to facilitate activity if it isn’t possible Shawn will reach out to his contact once again.
6. New Business
I. First Grant Received for playground equipment $75,000
Still waiting on word for 2nd grant for rink upgrades
II. Budget Ideas: Asking for ideas for February Meeting
Jean- Paul – conversation needed to discuss fitness center
Commercial dishwasher – to be looked to decide on repair needs – when will it need to be budgeted for and exactly what is wrong with it – we currently have 1 working dishwasher
III. 2 Outside lights need to be replaced at the ice Shack (Burnt Out)
Working on estimate for a bulb replacement until we get word about grant.
IV. Any needed items or requests need to be presented before the end of the month
V. Soccer Nets would be part of second grant
7. Bottle Drive Update: Committee member, Firefighters have picked up empties twice
Liz suggested a more structured timetable and pick up more often
8. Next Meeting: February 7, 2022

Adjournment: 7:25 pm Andrew Barry Shawn Hughes