Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
2381 Hwy 654 Nipissing Community Centre

Date: March 07.2022
Start Time: 7:00 pm
1. Meeting called to order:
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest:
3. Acceptance of Agenda:
4. Acceptance of Previous Minutes:
5. Business items from Previous Meeting:
I. Family Fun Skate review
II. Paint afternoon March 26th
III. Easter Egg Hunt April 16th
IV. Kids soccer discussion
V. Playground RFP review play equipment and recommendations
VI. Questionnaire review and discussion
6. New Business:
I. Fitness Centre Survey
7. Bottle drive update:
8. Next Meeting:
9. Adjournment:

Recreation Committee Meeting will be livestreamed to the Township of Nipissing YouTube channel.