Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee Meeting
2381 Hwy 654 Nipissing Community Centre & Zoom Platform

Date: Mar 7, 2022
Start Time: 7:00
Present: Shawn Hughes, Andrew Barry, Shelly Foote Zoom: Chris Johnson, Liz Moore, Steph Duchesne, Ron Phillips, And Kathy Shaw
Regrets: James Scott
Absent: Kerry Kloiber
Meeting Called to Order Liz Moore
1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
2. Acceptance of Agenda: Ron Phillips, Chris Johnston
3. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: Ron Phillips Kathy Shaw All in Favour
4. Business Items from Previous Meeting:
I. Feb 19th Family Fun Review
 Hot Chocolate very poplar – very little left over
 Next year suggestion to start earlier – concerns voiced by parents in attendance
 Lots of kids not seen before
 Fireworks really enjoyed
 Fire Pits with benches set in front very positive
II. March 19 Paint Night
 4 tickets sold to date – artist is doing all the advertising with posters in local business
 Shawn will open and close the venue – will take care of the event
 Cancel date if not enough tickets sold will be April 16th – 8 tickets needed to move forward
III. April 16th Easter Egg Hunt
 Held at the park
 Easter Bunny cookies needed for decorations still – this will be 1 of the craft tables
 Paper Bags – Steph or Shelly to source – Mini Cadbury Egg under $1 per pack
 Volunteer still needed for Cookie Decorating & Egg Dying prior to the event
 Shelly Bateman will be helping with Scavenger Hunt clues
 Bottled Water and Juice Boxes needed for the event
 Public Education magnet to go in each bag – Grass needed for bags
 Final Numbers needed by April 16th
IV. Kids Soccer Discussion
 T Shirts will be provided for every child – not jerseys
 Over 40 children registered to date
 Currently 3 volunteers – Is a criminal record check needed?
 We need to look into any training required.
V. Playground RFP review play equipment & recommendations
 All Present agreed to present option 1 & 3 at council meeting for final decision
 Vote was very close
 All Equipment has similar warranties on equipment and all are Canadian made
 All pricing within target range

VI. Questionnaire review and discussion (the following items were discussed with Will & Shelly taking notes.
 Community Center use over the next 10 years (what would people like to see)
 Talked about possibly creating a paid position to expand use more
 Second Park – is there a possible locations
 Updates needed in Community Center inside and out
 Fitness Center — TV’s – WIFI – possible better sound system
 Questionnaire sent to members and community to see why people aren’t using it
 Heritage Park/ Outdoor Rink – new boards? Hard Surface – possible roof over rink?
 Soccer filed installation – do we have space – permanent markings for soccer field—benches for players or bleachers – possible volley ball court – parking lot needs updating – basketball nets and court – more lighting outside
 Beaches – Links & Wolfe Lake – designated parking needed, lower speed limits, New washroom facilities, change rooms separate – can we add sharps containers
 More picnic tables needed
 Chapmans Landing & McQuaby Boat Ramp
 Chapmans Landing Dock
5. New Business
I. Fitness Center Survey — Survey to be sent to non-members as well current members to ask for feedback

6. Bottle Drive
Checked Sunset Dump and it needs collected next week – Wolfe Lake still needs to be checked.

7. Next Meeting April 4th 7:00 pm
8. Adjournment Kathy Shaw Shawn Hughes