Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee Meeting
2381 Hwy 654 Nipissing Community Centre & Zoom Platform
Date: Mar 7, 2022
Start Time: 7:00
Present: Shawn Hughes, Andrew Barry, Shelly Foote Zoom: Chris Johnson, Liz Moore, Steph Duchesne, Ron Phillips, And Kathy Shaw
Regrets: James Scott
Absent: Kerry Kloiber
Meeting Called to Order Liz Moore
1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
2. Acceptance of Agenda: Ron Phillips, Chris Johnston
3. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: Ron Phillips Kathy Shaw All in Favour
4. Business Items from Previous Meeting:
I. Feb 19th Family Fun Review
Hot Chocolate very poplar – very little left over
Next year suggestion to start earlier – concerns voiced by parents in attendance
Lots of kids not seen before
Fireworks really enjoyed
Fire Pits with benches set in front very positive
II. March 19 Paint Night
4 tickets sold to date – artist is doing all the advertising with posters in local business
Shawn will open and close the venue – will take care of the event
Cancel date if not enough tickets sold will be April 16th – 8 tickets needed to move forward
III. April 16th Easter Egg Hunt
Held at the park
Easter Bunny cookies needed for decorations still – this will be 1 of the craft tables
Paper Bags – Steph or Shelly to source – Mini Cadbury Egg under $1 per pack
Volunteer still needed for Cookie Decorating & Egg Dying prior to the event
Shelly Bateman will be helping with Scavenger Hunt clues
Bottled Water and Juice Boxes needed for the event
Public Education magnet to go in each bag – Grass needed for bags
Final Numbers needed by April 16th
IV. Kids Soccer Discussion
T Shirts will be provided for every child – not jerseys
Over 40 children registered to date
Currently 3 volunteers – Is a criminal record check needed?
We need to look into any training required.
V. Playground RFP review play equipment & recommendations
All Present agreed to present option 1 & 3 at council meeting for final decision
Vote was very close
All Equipment has similar warranties on equipment and all are Canadian made
All pricing within target range
VI. Questionnaire review and discussion (the following items were discussed with Will & Shelly taking notes.
Community Center use over the next 10 years (what would people like to see)
Talked about possibly creating a paid position to expand use more
Second Park – is there a possible locations
Updates needed in Community Center inside and out
Fitness Center — TV’s – WIFI – possible better sound system
Questionnaire sent to members and community to see why people aren’t using it
Heritage Park/ Outdoor Rink – new boards? Hard Surface – possible roof over rink?
Soccer filed installation – do we have space – permanent markings for soccer field—benches for players or bleachers – possible volley ball court – parking lot needs updating – basketball nets and court – more lighting outside
Beaches – Links & Wolfe Lake – designated parking needed, lower speed limits, New washroom facilities, change rooms separate – can we add sharps containers
More picnic tables needed
Chapmans Landing & McQuaby Boat Ramp
Chapmans Landing Dock
5. New Business
I. Fitness Center Survey — Survey to be sent to non-members as well current members to ask for feedback
6. Bottle Drive
Checked Sunset Dump and it needs collected next week – Wolfe Lake still needs to be checked.
7. Next Meeting April 4th 7:00 pm
8. Adjournment Kathy Shaw Shawn Hughes