Township of Nipissing Recreation Committee
November 29.2021
Start Time 19:00 at the Nipissing Community Centre COVID Precautions in place
• Present: James Scott, Liz Moore, Ron Phillips, Kathy Shaw, Shawn Hughes, Chris Johnston, Steph Duchesne
• Regrets: Andrew Barry, Shelly Foote
• Absent: Kerry Kloiber
1. Meeting called to order: 19:02
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None
3. Acceptance of Agenda: Ron Phillips & Shawn Hughes
4. Acceptance of Previous Minutes: administrative correction Kathy Shaw & Chris Johnston
5. Business items from Previous Meeting:
I. Bat boxes: James Scott to look at in 2022
II. Automatic lights for Fitness Centre: Quote provided by TSF Electric to provide and install 3-way motion occ sensors for the hallway into the fitness centre. Estimate with HST $390.38. Chris Johnston & Shawn Hughes Carried
III. Grants: No further updates at this time.
6. New Business
I. Budget review: James Scott would like to look at pricing for new tables for the Community Centre, Ideas will be brought forward at the next meeting.
Research on new sign for Heritage Park. Lead Will Bateman
II. Halloween review: Event went good around 70 treat bags were given out.
III. Christmas Run update: Firefighters are taking the lead on this event, at this time there are 69 children & 34 families signed up, 23 sponsors donated support.
IV. Event review: Jan 2022 no event will be planned.
Feb 21st Family Fun Skate at outdoor rink: hot chocolate, Fire, Music, finish the night with fireworks, 6:00-9:00 Lead James Scott, Fire Department
Mar 19th Paint Night: Community Centre & virtual options more details to come for next meeting. Lead Shawn Hughes
Apr 16th Easter Egg Hunt: Planning will start in new year Lead to be announced.
May 21st Trunk Sale/Yard Sale: Day for a yard sale where people can come and sell their items, 10’x10’ space, small fee for the space, Nipissing Community Centre, Nipissing Museum, & Commanda Community Centre are the location being looked at. More planning in new year. Lead James Scott & Ron Phillips
All events will be advertising on outdoor signs, Facebook, Township Website.
7. Bottle drive update: Committee member, Firefighter’s & volunteers have picked up the empties two times now.
8. Next Meeting: January 10.2022
9. Adjournment: 8:36pm Liz Moore & Ron Phillips
Meeting will be held at the Township of Nipissing Community Centre, 2381 Highway 654.