To Report a Road Issue During Weekends, Holidays or After Regularly Scheduled Work Hours, Please Call 705-724-2194 or Email:
Half-Load Restrictions In Effect – March 14, 2025 until Further Notice
Please be advised that half-load restrictions are in effect on all roadways within the Township as set out by the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 section 122(7) beginning March 14, 2025 and will remain in place until further notice.
These seasonal weight restrictions help protect our roads during the spring thaw, when the roadways are most vulnerable to damage. Heavy vehicle traffic on roadways can lead to permanent damage. Following half-load restrictions helps prevent unnecessary road repairs or reconstruction.
During this period, commercial and heavy vehicles are restricted to a maximum of 5 tonnes per axle.
Township of Nipissing
Public Works Department
27 Beatty Street – Public Works Yard
*Please note the Public Works Yard is closed to the public. Visit the Municipal Office at 45 Beatty Street for any Public Works or Roads questions or concerns.
Dan MacInnis – Operations Superintendent
For all general inquires please contact:
Township Office 705-724-2144 Ext. 224
Fax Number 705-724-5385
Winter Road Maintenance
The Public Works Department is responsible for sanding and
plowing approximately 300 lane kilometres of municipal roads, seasonal
roads are not included in this total.
Winter control equipment and personnel are available on a schedule and
call-in system, to respond to any winter event. There are 4 plow routes.
It is the objective of the Public Works Department to conduct its operational activities in an efficient and effective way, so as to provide safe driving conditions on all roads owned and maintained by the Township.
Highway 522, 534 and 654 are Provincial Highways. The Township of Nipissing does not maintain Provincial highways. The Ministry of Transportation has a maintenance contract for these Highways with Fowler Construction.
Snow Accumulation
The minimum standard for clearing snow accumulation is:
• After becoming aware of the fact that the snow accumulation on a roadway is greater than the depth set out in the Minimum Maintenance Standards, to deploy resources as soon as practical to address the accumulation.
• After the snow accumulation has ended, to address the accumulation so as to reduce the snow to a depth less than or equal to the depth set out in Minimum Maintenance Standards within the time limit set out.
To view By-Law 2019-41, Minimum Maintenance Standards, please click link below:
Minimum Maintenance Standards
Icy Roadways
The minimum standard for treating icy roadways is to deploy resources as soon as practical after becoming aware of the condition or a high probability of the condition, and to treat the roadway within the time set out in the Minimum Maintenance Standards.
Please remember to adjust your driving speed to suit the prevailing weather and road conditions. Thank you for your co-operation.
Public Works Operations
The Township invested money received from the Province of Ontario for Municipal Modernization into an AVL system used to track the operations of the municipal fleet during winter road maintenance processes.
This system records routes, times, speeds, as well as when the plow is deployed and whether sand is distributed. This system provides information to assist in the management of resources as well as addressing individual concerns about road maintenance and reducing liability concerns for the Township.
Frequently Asked Winter Control Questions
Q. Can I plow or push snow from my driveway onto the Municipal road or its road allowance?
A. No. Part X, Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act states “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without the permission of the Ministry or the road authority (Township) responsible for the maintenance of the road”. Please reference Part XV, Section 214 (1), of the Highway Traffic Act enforceable by the Ministry of Transportation.
Q. The snowplow has knocked off my mailbox, what can be done about this?
A. The Public Works Department will only replace a mailbox if it has been physically hit by the snowplow machinery, including blade. Mailboxes hit by snow coming off the plow will not be replaced by the Township. The responsibility for maintaining mailboxes remains with the owner of the box. Please secure the mailbox adequately to anticipate for these circumstances.
The Township is also not responsible for damages to other privately owned ornaments or items erected on the Township’s rights of way.
Q. Can I get sand from the public works sand dome for my own personal use?
A. No. Residents are not authorized to enter the public works sand dome and remove sand for personal use on private property.
Please contact the Township Office if you have further questions or concerns on this topic.
Municipal Modernization Program
Operational Review
Automated Vehicle Location and Global Positioning Systems
Provided by KPMG